CC... C? is a cozy and quiet little coffee shop with plain view of the hustle and bustle of midwood zooming by at the five points intersection.
i only see two shortcomings with the place. one is the navigation and parking to get in here. if you come from midwood, you have to turn a block early and skooch over to louise from there. second, there could really be some more cushy comfy coffee house seating.
other than that, it seems like a quaint little caffiene filled oasis in the almost no man's land between midwood and cpcc. i really enjoyed the apple cinnamon maple glazed scone and the strawberry smoothie and the barista was very welcoming...
TWO HOURS LATER... with a change of baristas, and apparently music taste, the lack of foot traffic and non-elevator music has made this place a midafternoon cure for insomnia. ironic for a coffeehouse...?