I rarely write reviews but I felt this one was necessary. The staff always looks miserable here and does not engage with the kids. The pizza is pretty bad and the service is below mediocre. Chuckie rarely comes out and when he does he is not there for long so half the kids don't get any interaction and feel left out. They took away the little kids slide so toddlers have nothing to play on since they can't go up the big slide. A quarter of the games are broken and eat your tokens. Most don't give tickets. If you mention this to the staff they just say ok but don't put up a sign and continue on their way. If the staff was more engaged, the games were maintained and their was a toddlers slide/play area my rating would be much higher. The kids generally have a good time because they are easy going and ignore all the nonsense adults get irritated about. We work hard for our money and want to come somewhere where our kids will have a good time. You don't want to feel "eh" when you leave. The manager needs to hire the right people and keep them engaged in the customer experience.