Um.... no thanks... I'll just take a cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake. :-)
After two, much needed evenings of "good clean fun" ie: no Jack Daniels involved...My friend and I decided to decide to stop somewhere for a quick bite to eat, before going our seperate ways.... IN -N -OUT BURGER IT IS!! The menu is simple, the food is "fast" and it dosen't make me feel nauseous after eating it..(unlike most fast food) .. Well.... until tonight anyway
Bottom of the cup says John 4:16: - Ted's "diet" coke (pussy)...(MY milkshake had Proverbs 3:5:...mmm mmm good) It appears I'm the last person on earth to notice this.... huh??
I wasn't "moved" to decipher the citations, as I don't entertain this sort of (ahem) nonsense... however, I did get a pretty hearty chuckle (ok, bordering on hysterical laughter) out of it. ..... Private ownership and operation has it's privileges I see....
I must admit...I often get personal enjoyment out of being in the presence of people or establishments that test their freedoms.... (apparently since the 1980's in this case) and this time was no different. Smiles all the way around..
I will say this...most people are idiots.. (incase you've been walking around with blinders on since birth) and while I don't particularly enjoy being harassed while jogging down the street, minding my own business, by a couple of fellas in nicely starched white shirts and bicycle helmets..(the purpose for which I can only assume is to keep them from banging their fragile skulls into the pavement) ..I am smart enough to know that it's not my duty as a human being to entertain THEM either... or even acknowledge their existance to be IS that simple.... this whole cup thing seemed pretty passive to me.. and it gave me something to rant about while I ate..(not that I need help with that)
Well done IN-N-OUT..... you irritated the shit outta got under my skin.... you HAVE a voice......kudos to you. Will you still see me in your drive thru??? Of Course... Why?? I oddly respect what you're trying to pull off..... and...well.... you have one GOD DAMNED TASTY CHEESEBURGER ...