I don't care to be bullied and threatened with the plane leaving without me in my connecting city due to overbooking when I reserved, paid for and chose seating for these two flights two months in advance.
I also don't care for the ambivalence towards me when my boarding pass was handed to me and my seat had mysteriously changed from next to my BF to the last row, seat closest to the bathrooms.
I also don't care for the fact that our flight was a half hour late in taking off because they "weren't sure where the crew was".
I also REALLY don't care for whatever method was used in stowing my checked baggage. Thanks for crushing the bag to such an extent that not only did my shampoo bottle and toothpaste burst open (yeah, burst, as in from the side, not the end) but my hairdryer was cracked on the handle, causing me to have to buy a new one.
Oh but thanks for the 3 tablespoons of water and the 12 micro pretzels we were given. Yeah, that made up for everything.