A fantastic organization! For less than 20 dollars Bountiful Baskets gives you a wonderful variety of locally grown produce. If you're willing to pay more, you can get an organic basket. My girlfriend and I order from them every couple of weeks. She even volunteered one weekend and we ended up with more food than we knew what to do with!
Pickups are are early Saturday morning in random spots throughout the valley. We go to Arcadia Park at 8:30am. It's a little crazy looking at first. The line can look really long, but they're so well organized that it moves in just minutes!
There are some big negatives about Bountiful Baskets...
You have to place your order by around noon on Tuesday and you have no way of knowing what you're going to get until you pick it up on Saturday morning. This has made it tough during weeks when we're low on Produce (I don't want to buy a head of lettuce on Thursday if I may end up with another on Saturday). I also find that some baskets will end up being less thrilling than others, but so far it's been worth the risk.
Bountiful Baskets also a lot of food, so make sure you have at least one other person to go in with. If you don't, you'll be throwing a ton of good stuff away.