Round Two. Oxtail anyone? One large order to eat in please. Now the waiting game begins. I suffered thru the super long brain numbing four minute wait. Can you hear the Jepordy Final Question Music in the background? Yes Alex, I will take "tasty animal appendages" for ....... Back to reality. Finally my food showed up. My goodness. Four minutes! I should have Complained but I started with Pepper sauce drops all over my plate. Chips B likes it spicy. The pepper sauce here isn't too hot but compliments the food nicely. The tail of the ox was cooked to fall and suck off the bone deliciousness. (Don't go there people.... Don't. ) I found the gravy a wee bit oily but that did not deter me from this battle of my senses. I ended up washing the dish down with a bowl of their yummy chicken soup. My verdict. I would have given this dish a Five Star rating but due to the huge scrumptious portions of Oxtail, Rice and Pee and Coleslaw (I am talking like enough food to feed three hungry skinny people) this dish shall receive a star rating of Four. Don't get me started on the four minute wait time. Don't. And Yes I am PMS'g today. I don't know what that means but I am. I've read that line a couple of times here in Yelp Land. I am a biter. Lol. Salute my fellow Yelpers. Happy eating.