If you love American ice cream, you'll love Gelato Spot. If you love great authentic gelati, you'll be very disappointed.
With all the rave reviews, I was SUPER EXCITED to try Gelato Spot, after having recently spent a month traveling around Italy with my hubby. I'm SUPER SAD to say I was disappointed.
I suppose our travels turned us into Gelato snobs; in Italy we made a point to eat gelati *at least* once a day and we immediately began to decipher the "good" vs the "bad" and - for fun - rated them accordingly. In comparison, the gelati at Gelato Spot is towards the bottom of the Italian gelati totem pole. At the "G Spot" the entire middle section was empty so from the slim pickings we selected:
*Pistachio (a favorite in Italy)
*Mint Chocolate Chip
Do yourself a favor and skip the mango. The others were sickeningly sweet and thick and more akin to rich American ice cream, which - by the way - you can buy an entire tub for the cost of a large "gelato".