This store is horrible. Well maybe not the store, but the employee that I was being "helped" by sure was. His name is Dominick. Dominick was too busy talking to some girl to actually help. The girl was his friend. I know this because they were hugging. Unless you just hug customers, but that would be even more creepy. So Dominick told me that he would get an iPhone specialist to help us. Dominick aslo disappeared after his friend left and nobody helped us. Dominick was slightly argumentative toward my girlfriend and came off extremely snobby. Made sense since he was in the Scottsdale location, but the least he could have done was actually helped rather than tell us he's gotta watch the front, only to turn around to the north side of the store, not the front; and keep talking to his friend. Absoluley horrible customer service. Apple is usually about their customer service, but not Dominick. He's just about trying to collect a paycheck while talking to his friends. Never going to that store again.