| - We have two dogs and joined the Banfield plan, with the full intention of getting fantastic service while saving money. (Banfield offers a plan where you pay monthly per pet and get free office visits with basic vaccinations included, and discounts on services/medications outside of your plan. We pay $25 per dog monthly). We have been incredibly disappointed, and here's why:
- Our office visits are never free, the doctors always find a way to charge you for something. One time one of their vets tried to talk us into a $150 test to see if she licked a poisonous toad.. seriously?!?
- I never feel like we are taking the dogs ta good, honest vet - Banfield feels more like a corporation that needs to hit a certain number every month - hence why they are always billing you for things you don't need and overcharging you.
- With our plan, we're supposed to save money. However, I've researched local vets and their services are nearly half the price than my "discounted ones"
- Every time a Banfield vet prescribes our dogs medicine, our "discounted savings" are nearly TWICE what the medicine is priced at online.
- They are VERY sneaky with their plan. They do not tell you when they are renewing your annual contract. Once it's renewed, you cannot get out of it for a full year (we have tried SO many times). Of course this was never discussed when we initially signed up for it. Only in the fine print of our numerous page contract.
- I'm disappointed with the quality of healthcare the dogs have received. Nobody seems to know the answer to health problems when I take them in there. I'm still waiting to hear back from a fungal culture they took 11 days ago, our poor dog is still covered in a rash.
Overall, I'm convinced Banfield and their animal plans are a scam. Support local businesses, save money and take your pets to a local pet hospital. Our contract is up next June thank goodness - that cannot come soon enough!!
I posted this same review for the Desert Ridge location because we have taken our dogs to both (in hopes that one was better than the other) - unfortunately, we had the same experience.