Tried their mac and cheese at the Arizona Freestyle Festival - I could tell it would have been good had the pasta not been overcooked. The real problem was the beans and rice with chicken and sausage my sister ordered. Two pieces of sausage and NO chicken. The person behind the window was rude when questioned.
I'm pretty sure they were overwhelmed with the amount of people, maybe even trying to stretch the food out by skimping on portions. The concert obviously didn't book enough food vendors. Buzznbeez eventually ran out of several items an supplies.
There was 4 of us, only 1 of the four of was happy with our meals. That person was really happy with the fish sandwich and made several comments about how good it was. Considering how rude the woman at the window was to my sister I wouldn't have enjoyed anything from this truck. Would I ever eat at this truck again? Absolutely NOT.