Probably one of the worst taco places ever. I will keep this short and full of tips. Tip #1 avoid this place. The only PRO here is the meat. Everything else is subpar at best and negligent somewhere in the middle. If you are from California, this will be a fucking great disappointment for you.
If you still want to go there after reading this far, I got some useful tips below:
Tl;DR avoid corn tortilla tacos and fries. Guac is shit. Get vampiros or mula. Idk about the rest. Go at night and take a time machine. The food looks alot better. I went at 4 and it was shitty. Most of the good looking pics looks like it was night time and in 2015.
1. DO NOT get the TACOS. The taco tortillas are shitty as fuck and are from a bag. They make tortillas in front of you to make it look like all of it is fresh, they are not. It looks like they only use those fresh tortillas for the Vampiros and mula. These two were alright. If you really want tacos, ask for flour tortillas shit. Their corn tortillas are like fucking sand paper.
2. Fuck these fries. are you fucking kidding me? $15 for that small ass serving of lengua fries? This place charges twice as much as any place I have ever been to for fries. The fucking guacamole.... Holy shit it looks and taste like it is out of a tub of shit. If it taste like shit, looks like shit, is it shit? so disappointed with the guacamole here. This is a fucking disgrace. Fuck this shit. Stay away.
3. Horchata is shit. Don't get it.
4. I had to ask this fucking white looking fat lady to get salsa from her. With $60 worth of food for my fat ass I ask for salsa and she gives me fucking 2 tiny ass cups. I asked for 8 more because I have so much food, she says no. Then she starts talking shit about me in spanish in front of me like I don't fucken understand her. Fuck this bitch. Then I was like are you fucking serious? And she gives me the salsa. Fucking people man. I doubt I'll go back.
Well so much for a short review. Thanks for reading my rant and I hope it will be better for you if you decide to go there.