Few things in life are special in their own way and are precious without a price tag. They not only leave a long lasting impression but ultimately they change who you are as a person and define what you become:
- perhaps your very first memory ever, maybe with your parents in your childhood home
-Your first kiss, the anxiety leading up to it - am I going to do it right ? Will they laugh at me ? And the overwhelming happiness after.
- First time you fall in love and feel on top of the world
This is how I felt when I had dinner here - I ordered a baked squash stuffed with cheese and this is a first time I had squash that tasted this orgasmically perfect. I couldn't have asked for anything better that night - a warm cozy inviting ambiance that blanketed you like a warm smooshey blanket, a perfect bottle of wine, company of dear friends and THAT SQUASH. That squash was the most amazing squash I have ever had ! I eat it all, including the skin and I barely let my husband eat the tiniest piece.
The rest of the evening was a blur, I think one of my friends ordered a "duck in a can?"
But all I remembered was this butternut squash.
I have since come home from this trip ( this was in September of 2015) and been cooking squash non-stop ever since. It's been over a year and a half and I still remember the taste of this perfectly cooked squash in my mouth !
When a restaurant has this much power, you know it will be worth your visit. I been back to the city many times, but too scared to come back and ruin that perfect memory. Perhaps on my next visit, I'll take a leap of faith.
This is a must to visit, you won't regret it.