| - So torn on this review...because A.) my husband and I really, really wanted to like it, B.) he's full on Greek and really, really wanted to like it, and C.) because almost every reviewer loves it!
However...we were a little disappointed in, of all things, the food itself. Let me explain.
The restaurant itself is beautiful. Clean and Greek without being tacky and blue and white stripes w/gold gilded statues. The servers really are knowledgeable and professional to a T. The late night menu, which is only $29 is a STEAL. After 10pm, you'll get a started, main and dessert. (During normal dinner hours, appetizers can be as much as $29 apiece! Or at least that's what I saw for the eggplant app.)
The food is beyond fresh-- that can't be disputed. What can, is the seasoning. The fish was clean and perfectly prepared...but lacked even the most basic SALT. The filet was perfectly cooked, but again, it seemed not to be aged properly, or was missing flavor. A steamed broccoli/cauliflower accompaniment isn't good contrast to food so bland.
The appetizers were better-- the spreads, all delicious, the tomato salad surprisingly flavorful. What went wrong, I don't know. Would I try it again? Well...maybe the late night menu or lunch...but if I paid any more for what we got, I'd be angry!