These people are the real deal. I can't thank them enough for the job they did for me today. I sent out 8 inquires on Yelp and while they all responded eventually, most don't work on mobile homes. One gal called and said "I can have a man there next Friday"! Deke's says "I'll be there early afternoon" and he was. Diagnosed it: a hole where a loose part was dangling and wearing out a copper tube which my freon runs thru. He showed it to me, plane as day what had happened. Mines an older heat pump and a/c unit. He welded it up, checked it for leaks, cleared and refilled it. Not only that, he added screws where all the ones had been left off over the years, tightened the whole thing up. Then, he cleaned it all up! Took the hose and squirted it inside and out. He's only been gone a half hour or so and the cool air is flowing agin in this metal box I call home. What also astounded me in this day and age in this town anyway, are the things he didn't do. These guys have real integrity thats been lost around this area for years. He didn't try and sell me a new unit. He didn't say the compressors bad, you need a new fan relay or whatever. I like that he just fixes what was broke and improved the stuff that wasn't. I also like that I didn't get sticker shock when he handed me the bill. From now on these are my go to guys when the A/C breaks. Thanks Deke's!