Don't go there! Absolutely atrocious.
Labs left unmarked tubes of blood in my bed that I found hours later.
Rubber gloves and plastics left all over bed tray.
Untimely medicines and procedures sometimes not performed at all.
Hospital staff ALL complaining about too much work "do more with less" approach of hospital.
Hospital staff complaining about administration's reactions to nurse said that someone had fallen and it was like she was over-the-top facing a Grand Jury.
When an I.V. quit working just before needed, instead of replacing it, it was postponed for hours and oral given instead.
I was never told that I had been cleared by my Doctor to go home and sat for hours with a nonworking I.V., electrodes connected and no release forms signed...the nurse walked in and asked why I was still there!?
And...the TV didn't even work, construction hammering and making noise...not that it mattered in comparison to the rest.
I could go on and on but do yourself, your family and friends a favor and AVOID THIS HORRIBLE HOSPITAL at all costs!