It's a rather unpleasant place. The staff is cold and unfriendly and clearly far more interested in money than the quality of care or instruction(to me I don't really care about the money but don't like paying for my kids to be unsafe or unhappy.) I could tolerate the poor front desk service if the way they treated the kids was better but having watched it enough I'm not sure it is. Positives: they are there, they are open. Basically that's it. Sad, if their philosophy was less about packing as many kids into classes and overcharging everyone (get ready for the "registration fees" drop in fees" "class change fees"....)They need a competitor to come in to area, I know I'm not alone in my feeling it's both a rip off and poorly run. My kids are older but I would NOT leave young kids here without staying. During a busy drop off period one day another mom had noticed a kid around 4 wandering through parking lot. She had brought him to the front desk, turns out he had just wondered out of class and into parking lot(update this actually happened again today which is what prompted me to write this). I witnessed this but have since heard another story that ended with police involvement.
So I guess I recommend it it your kids can keep themselves alive, know not to talk to strangers or leave without you, have robust immune systems(it's really filthy), don't really care if they learn gymnastics or technique, or have fun for that matter. Most of the staff I doubt could ever do a cartwheel. But if your looking for quality, care, safety or value....this is not it.