TLDR version: If you're verbally abused and harrassed by another customer the manager will probably deny it ever happened.
I have been going to Zipps for years, can't even count how many times I have provided them with my business and needless to say, I don't know if I can ever go back again after being mistreated by a verbally abusive customer and then have that same customer file a complaint to the manager just to misdirect the blame towards myself. The general manager threatened to throw me out after the complaint (he said "I don't know what you are doing but stop it" haha what a joke, you can't even give me a reason for the complaint AND you're admitting you have no clue what's going on?) the other customer kept using f--- bombs against me before and after the manager spoke to me.
I was so distraught I lodged a complaint with their corporate office and after 2-3 days they stated that the "staff" (which I am assuming is the same incompetent manager) denied that any of this ever occurred to me. I have never been so humiliated in my life and I will never be giving Zipps my money again. If I had been thrown out of the restaurant I would have most certainly sued for discrimination, but since I did nothing wrong (the manager couldn't even quantify why I was being given a complaint) they couldn't do anything to me except favor the abusive customer and take my money. Thanks but no thanks, never again Zipps.