| - Given that I've spent about $20,000 on my mountain bike addiction to date, it's strange that only a few hundred of that has wound up coming from The Bike Shop.
It's a funny thing with The Bike Shop. When I was younger I thought the sales guys avoided me because I was a young punk who didn't have any money to spend... And for the most part, they were right, that is until I dropped around $2,800 on a '98 Trek VRX 400, the very beginning to a now 18 year addiction. Who saw that coming? No one. Not even me. But now that I'm in my 30's, have a fair amount of grey hair, and feel like for the most part probably look like I might have money to burn, and on some level it's true, I don't bother going to a bike shop unless I'm there to buy something... the sales guys still don't seem to pay any attention to me.
Maybe they can tell that I'm just not interested in Specialized or Rocky Mountain bikes, but for whatever reason the only thing I've picked up from here is a few bike locks and soft goods that I could pick out by myself. Anything that's involved me talking to someone and them helping me make a decision has lost out to another store.