We had 2 gals from Pristine clean our home this week. We are seniors and not capable of keeping up our large family home very well anymore. Scheduling was simple and we were set up for several days later. I was impressed that someone answered the business phone in the evening!
Anyway, Benetu and Iluvia cleaned for us. They were very nice, kept on task, and were eager to please! Unfortunately we did not hire them for as long as was needed so we had to pick and choose what should be done. Most of the areas were done very well. I need to communicate my expectations better. The house was very dirty when they came and looked much better when they were done! Next time we will allow for more hours and we will have some deep cleaning done as well.
It is challenging to have someone else do work for me as no one does it the way I would. But since I cannot do it, I need to be grateful and accepting of their work and not be critical.
I appreciated the follow up text the next day from the company! I like the special pricing and credits! I love supporting family owned businesses!