| - My wife took the kids for a haircut today. It's not the first time they've been to the convenience store of haircuts, and it is a six and eight year old we are talking about here. Last time, surprisingly acceptable results. Let's try our luck again at "haircut roulette", right? This time, the "beauty school dropout" argued with my wife right from the start...DANGER!! The eight year old escaped unscathed, but the six year old was not so lucky. Although she has a fairly standard hair cut (non-bangs), the lady wouldn't let it go: "this is a terrible haricut for a little kid" she insisted, "she'll need to come back too often to get this fixed", she bemoaned... well, she was right. After the kid washed her hair, BOOM! mushroom head. Thanks CheapClips... you f'd one up again... seriously lady, just have a pair and say, "i'm not comfortable with that style"... is that so hard? But no... you know best, i guess that's why you are a "stylist" at such a high fashion "salon". I mean really, these are little kids, and one got a good cut... But would I suggest this place to an adult.... No.
Oh well, i guess you get what you pay for...