I was recommended by a friend to Dr Russo and went there for 11 years. He did a crown on me once and it did not feel right. One day I was working out a the gym and it came out. He did redo it but before this I told him it did not feel right and he told me to chew on the other side. Then he made me a set of Veneers. I had an old set that never gave me any problems form another Dentist. Every Veneer he did came out. I went to a Prosthodontist and he told me because of my bite they had no chance of staying in. Now I am getting crowns done. A Prosthodontist has 3 more years of Education than a DMD or DDS. They also study Ceramics and Fractures in the mouth from Prosthetics. When they were making the mold for the crowns a crown in the back came out! They said Did the same Dentist do this crown and I said yes... :( After spending $ 8k I only got a little over $ 1k back from Dr Russo. He is not the worst Dentist but I think there are better. You really have to study out a persons bite. The staff is nice but I did not end up with a good experience at the end.