I forgot how condescending Dr. Bui is until my 10 son's last visit. He had to have teeth extracted cause his permanent teeth were coming in with no place to go. I had on our last visit, told his office I was concerned about them being able to get him numb enough because of my family history (my mother , sister, a niece, and myself ) have a extremely hard time getting numb from Lidocaine and Novocaine. I found out my son also suffers from this and could they please use Marcaine . They wait until we are in the office after waiting months for this appointment to tell me we don't use Marcaine and they could refer us to an oral surgeon. I say," That since we are already here to do it,and if he is in pain I will stop them." So he starts talking to my son like he is a 2 year old baby while they give him the laughing gas.They gave him shot after shot after shot.lost track of how many , he then tells my son that i tricked him that he can get him numb. Really?! My son started saying it hurts while he is twisting the tooth out. So guess what more shots for my son.When he is finished pulling his teeth he basically called me a liar in front of my son because he got him, numb eventually but not enough. My son told me after we got home that it hurt while he pulled them out but the nitrous oxide rendered him unable to verbalize fully. My insurance is not accepted everywhere so my options are severely limited so I am stuck . Don't let the fact that their waiting room has games and looks kid friendly.fool you. The fact is I have taken my kids there 3 times because I have no choice, but if you have good insurance and can go anywhere please don't go here..