These people won't be around for long and no loss to the community. "Oh, we can order anything you want and have it here next week. We will call you". No call so I go there. No fish. "Oh they didn't have the size you wanted" .... So it wasn't so easy then? "Well they had the fish but not the size you wanted" ... Ok so how does that make it better. You said you could get it no problem. "Oh well normally we take a deposit but I wanted to be a good business man and didn't charge your a deposit". ... How does a deposit ensure a fish of the right size if you didn't get it today? "Oh it doesn't - we'd have had to give you back the deposit" ..... Ooookkkkk so how does this make sense. If you want to be a good businessman then don't tell people that you can get stuff you can't, also CALL people and keep them informed. "Well we can't get you the fish", no shit Sherlock that seems pretty obvious by now. This guy has a lot to learn about proper customer service.
Answer: nope, pretty sure there was no miscommunication just a guy who promised more than he could keep and then didn't want to apologize for not following up, calling or doing what he promised. Im pretty sure I won't be bothering with coming back; I really don't see the point.