| - I'll start by saying I have never tried a single food item off of the menu, so this is a review of the bar & saloon side of Roadrunner! I went last night (as I do almost every Wednesday) after kickball - it is the bar everyone goes to after games in my league. They offer a few drink specials for us, like a $5 margarita, a $5 shot, and some beer specials. The drinks are perfectly fine - I've always been satisfied - but they're nothing special. They all come in plastic cups (maybe this is only on Wednesday nights), which adds to the overall frat-party feel of the place.
It's the perfect setup for us on Wednesday nights, because they have a spacious inside where they setup a karaoke machine, and they also have a large outdoor area for playing flipcup and beirut/beer pong. It doesn't seem to have a lot of ambiance, but that could be because of the crowds of kickballers crammed in every time I am there!
Overall, it's a perfectly fine post-kickball bar, but I can't imagine ever wanting to go there on a non-kickball night. (Then again, I'm definitely not in the saloon-going demographic.)