| - "They've got PBR on tap!!!" Damn, I had no idea it was that easy to please my Scottsdale friend who apparently likes going low class as much as a bulimic Portland hipster.
"We've gotta hang out more often if thats all it takes for you to have a good time," I told him. "What's it called?"
"Something with Max. Max's Revenge. The maxx. Total Max. MAX POWER."
"Yeah, MAX POWER. Let's do it. They've got PBR on tap!!!"
As well as pretty much everything that goes with PBR. 4 dollar lunch specials with a beer, poker tournaments, internet poker dealies, casino style seating, and of course MULLETS! It was such a mullet fest I couldn't stop laughing in spite of all the assanine Patriots fans making sports observations that make Dan Dierdorf look like a Rhodes Scholar. And the tuck rule?!? We really gotta bring up the tuck rule? It was the sixth anniversary of those divisional playoffs and all, but please spare me the pain while I'm trying to enjoy the post-season despite another 4-12 Raiders finish.
I'm off track. Back to the mullets. I first noticed it when a couple, dressed in what is likely their Saturday night best leather, took over one of the pool tables. As the female partner flashed her curly, blond locks during shots, I commented at how I guess the good part of having a girlfriend with a mullet is you can take her to a sports bar on a Saturday night for some free pool and poker and she will think that they are royalty.
But surely mullets and PBR don't equal four stars Mike, is what you are likely saying. It doesn't. It's the huge fleet of HD flat screens that really make this place. They really do multiple-game viewing right at this place with all large flat screen TVs lining the walls and plenty of comfortable seats in the center to watch them from.
They also have a huge selection of draft beers the runs almost the entire length of their bar. Domestic 25 oz beers ran around 4 dollars. "They've got PBR!!!" Alright Jason, I get it, but I'll have a Stella. Those ran 7 dollars for the 25 oz variety.
Top it off with all the free pool and ping pong you can co-ordiante yourself through after 25 oz beers and some mixed NFL playoffs/Phoenix Suns action.
"We really should've played ping pong before all that booze," I said breaking out in a sweat chasing after about my 30th errand ball.