Lots of gourmet places here in Vegas. Since I live in Henderson, the closest will probably be the one at the M casino ( some gourmet burger and brews place ) anyhow, there are also a few places around town claiming their burgers are gourmet and some knock out fries ( will not mention that place ) come to find out when I get there that most of these places are just another Restaurant Depot ( good place to shop for business ) material product that are pretty much very pre made added with some seasoning. but I have to admit that Red Robin gourmet Burgers are pretty dang good with the bottomless garlic fries and ranch ........ Yum. Just writing this review makes me wanna go back there tomorrow and get down on some crazy Banzai Burgers with garlic fries, unfortunately I can't be pounding on burgers because I can't afford to get any bigger than I am already. But I shall be back. And soon.... When I have a cheat day which is almost everyday. I am so down to pound down that burger. The price of these burgers are almost as much if you go to fat burger or Carl's Jr. It's crazy.... So red robin for me is the way to go. I am not too crazy about burgers but when I am craving for it..... Yes let's go. Plus this location is so perfect ( galleria mall ) eat ( red R ...shop .... dessert ( Cinnabon). My experience with service in this location has always bee gnarly.... So I dunno what to say about the other reviews , maybe I just kept getting lucky