The worst "nature" park in the Valley, in my opinion. I ventured off the Greenbelt trail in Tempe to come check this place out, and Im sorry I did. I couldn't find a single thing to like about this place (Im spoiled with Scottsdale's supreme parks I guess)! The trails are full of broken glass shards. I mean, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. Watch your step! Many of the rocks are spray painted by hooligans. Trash is abundant, I couldn't believe it! And it seems like dog owners don't clean up after their filthy animals, either. Gotta love "enjoying" a park, while watching your every step to avoid dog logs and broken glass! As others have mentioned....there is a homeless problem here! Bums everywhere. They didn't bother me, but it looked like Skid Row in a park. I even saw hypodermic needles on the path! Cmon, Tempe! Get this place back to being clean and Ill give it another shot. Until then, Im not stepping foot in this hellhole, its literally disgusting!