This isn't bad if you want cheap and convenient and greasy Mexican food. I live in walking distance and a few friends and I go sometimes. Their happy hour is cheap (dollar off margs and 1/2 price appetizers). The margarita is weak and corn syrupy though. The interior is run down, and that can be charming if a place has out-of-this-world authentic and fresh food, but this is sub-par and have had much better cheap Mexican. The salsa is fresh and delicious, and that's what it mainly has going for it. The chips are usually a bit stale. They douse everything in cheese. The best item I've gotten is the spinach enchiladas, which I recommend if you're hard up for Mexican and end up here. I go if I'm bored and don't want to drive or bike anywhere -- convenience, but I would rather make my own Mexican at home (which is sad that as a Kentucky boy I feel like I can do better). I expect so much more out of Mexican food places in this part of the country and have had mind-blowingly better than this even in Kentucky.