Four Stars
Very nice place to live from what I seen. We went inside a 3 bedroom very very nice. Yet a little small for my taste.The staff has a very unique way of showing the property. However lots of children standing about doing nothing. Lots of teens on skates as well as bikes. Lots of grown men with baggy pants standing around the buildings or sitting on cars.
We were told their is a pool but staff made no effort to show us the pool at all. The staff loves to dip into your personal if your married keep this in mind the staff act as if she herself is looking for a mate rather than to be professional and just showcase a apt. She was a little to friendly with my husband for my taste. I believe you can show a apt without all the hair flipping and all the laughing.
They should keep in mind that when dealing with a married couple you should try and be friends with the wife she is the one who is going to apply pressure to the husband to move their or not. You are NOT in a bar and he is NOT single and maybe just maybe your putting your self out their a little to much when you flit with a married man and his wife is standing by his side yea you look desperate. And no woman will feel safe enough to move her family to a place where the staff cant act professional.