I drove by this place almost daily for years and never had the desire to go in. It looks downright scary from the outside and is wedged between a laundromat and a mexico bus station. The dirt parking lot doesn't help the image either, nor does the fact that it looks like an abandoned titty club where you might find a dead stripper behind.
Nevermind all that.
This place has very good food. This place has very good prices. Damnit, this place has the hottest green salsa ever made. They don't speak much English, but I can order food in Spanish so that works out. The green chiles actually appear to be fresh instead of that canned crap. Nothing on the menu was groundbreaking, but everything tasted fresh, clean, and well prepared.
If you go there, look at the sign on the window about the restroom being for customers only. I wrote it, swear. It had the word "costumers" and I asked them if I could escribe them a nuevo signo. They let me. I've got a little fame here.