Worst ever. I work production,
Own a Successful production company here in town, and this is just a sad case of people not doing there job. Buy tickets to the Brooklyn Bowl or HOB. The joint is BS.
This was the first and last time I come here. Got tickets for row CC seats 1 & 2 and row DD seats 3 & 4. They didn't add enough chairs for row DD. Gave my seats away in row CC and didn't have the seats for row DD. An hour later they corrected there mistake after having to talk to several security guards (with attitudes) and managers (who were dumbfounded) was pretty simple to me. Seats 3 & 4. I could count down the row and figure it out. But it was my fault you set the wrong seating chart then wouldn't move the people in the wrong seats because they didn't want to move. Like I said. Never come here again. Will be protesting you for a while after this unprofessionalism.