| - I have to admit, I've been to the Regent St location, and it was always slim pickins. There were never any of the legendary apple fritters I've read about, and the other doughnuts were good, but they weren't "this is going to turn me into Jabba the Hut" good.
I've read that you have to be there early, or the glorious fritters are long gone. I thought 8 am, was early, I was wrong.
Fast forward to now, and they have a location on the far east side of Madison, which has ample parking, is easy to get to, and lo and behold the mighty fritters were aplenty at 10 am!
My dining companions thought I was silly for only purchasing a fritter, and I did question whether it would be enough.
I laugh now though, because the fritter was huge, somewhere around the equivalent of 4 or 5 doughnuts. It was crispy, chewy, deliciousness that overpowered me early on. I say early on, because I could only eat about 1/4 of it magical-ness.
But greedy eyes were upon my 3/4 remaining magical fritter, and I had to protect it with threats and dirty looks, until I could bring myself to eat more of it.
Next time I will try a cherry fritter. Will I cry tears of joy? Will I have to have my sword at the ready to fend off greedy eyes? Probably so. I am ready.