My boyfriend and I walked in we were greeted by a hostess. We were seated a waiter by the name of Shawn came over, he asked us for our drinks then proceeded to ask did we want to start off with an appetizer we both said no. I asked for a sweet tea my boyfriend asked for a bud light and a water. There were only two coasters on the table so he turned to get another off the pile the servers use and slung it on our table yes such force it moved the other two coasters. My boyfriend and I looked at each other In disbelief, i then said well maybe he's had a bad day. We were sitting about two minutes we observed Shawn talking to the table behind us then coming back out with a glass of water still no drinks for us. The second table he was waiting on needed a bag to put their leftover containers in he went to go get it. Still no drinks. After about five minutes still no drinks, acknowledgments or anything. We got up to leave.