| - It's not the biggest among the Costcos in the area, and Chris-town Spectrum Mall, home of the first Costco-in-a-mall experiment is kind of "modest" in itself, so I'll save that 5th star for the bigger, uppity-er ones because despite my most fervent lifelong hopes, apparently size does matter. This is however my most regular haven for lifetime supply quantity shopping, and I have no complaints and plenty of compliments for this store and staff.
Much of the staff has been there some years now and we know each other on sight, and some by name. It's kind of nice to go somewhere where if not everybody, at least somebody knows your name (Thanks, Dan [and "Cheers"]). Hard working people, clean store, and a well-stocked men's room that's always clean.
It's worth joining just for the rotisserie chicken alone. Have you tried one of those dried dead birds from one of the groceries with the outdoor smokers? Blackened and so dehydrated you'd think the bird had been taxidermied? This isn't that. Costco's big plump, juicy, perfectly cooked, perfectly seasoned every time chicken, still $4.99, is justifiably famous in itself. It's consistently just ridiculously good. They've got the formula down, and if you've got a formula that works - don't mess with it.
This store also has outlying gas pumps and tire shop, pharmacy, optometrist and optical department, photo services, inkjet cartridge refills, groceries of course, and more. I've always had efficient, accommodating service from the tire shop, pharmacy, and bakery. There's a reason (or many) that the 800 number for Costco is on my phone as "My Beloved Costco". Note to the person who trashed the store due to a bad experience with the cell phone kiosk folks - I don't think they're Costco employees. This is a good store with good staff in a modest 'hood. Yes, the air-conditioned mall is a draw for those who can't afford AC, especially in the Phoenix summer, including some possibly homeless folk, so if you go to the Costco food court, in the mall in an area open to the public, you may have to rub shoulders with people who aren't capable of holding three jobs - or one - and maybe some who don't want to, but either way, I've not found it to be contagious. And don't mess with my bird.