I have never had a worse experience with a company in my life. They disconnected the wrong service and I never got it corrected. I finally gave up and disconnected everything. After many phone calls to their "customer service" they finally got a tech out but he still didn't get my internet reconnected and left without talking to me. He didn't check to make sure the problem was fixed. When I call back they tell me they can't get a tech out for another couple days...again. It was their mistake in the first place but I had to fight tooth and nail to get any kind of response. They had no urgency to fix the mistake. When they made the mistake worse again no urgency just empty apologies. I spoke with several people regarding the issue. I would have thought one of them would have tried to help but no. I am absolutely amazed a company would allow such blatant disregard from their employees. This isn't the first time they have screwed up and taken days to correct. This is the thirf time they have disconnected the wrong servicesl If you have any other choice use it. I would rather go without than have to deal with this company agian.I gave 1 star because the program won't let me give zero.