| - Provenance has some strong pros and strong cons. We weren't touring the museum, but I invited a friend here for brunch to meet her newborn.
+ The ambiance is elegant. It has big windows with landscape views that are quite picturesque. We had a great snowy view!
+ For a museum, the food is chef quality. I really enjoyed my chicken and waffles and a bloody mary.
+ Excellent staff. Our server was wonderful!
+ The menu prices are expensive, but I suppose that comes with the territory of being a restaurant inside a museum.
+ I had a weird moment trying to enter here. I was carrying 2 small baby presents for my friends newborn. All around me, there were strollers/double strollers, students with huge backpacks, etc. However, a guard stopped me in the Atrium to inform me I couldn't bring them in. He said I couldn't take them in Provenance and the issue was "How it is perceived." Um, what? He asked me what was in them. I mentioned a book and onesies for the mom and newborn I was meeting. He said another problem was, "We sell books in the bookstore" (side note: I doubt the CMA bookstore carries Dr. Seuss). He put up a pretty weird fight with me. But legit, shouldn't you be searching those huge double strollers and backpacks? My duck onesie and board book in a gift bag are hardly suspicious.
+ I digress, but here's the moral of the story: Provenance is not a good choice for a celebration, birthday, etc. When they call you the day before to confirm your reservation, they should consider telling people they cannot bring anything in. I would love to use the space for celebrations, but it's not realistic.
Overall: Provenance is a fine choice if you're in the museum already and need a quick bite, but I would not go out of my way to come here again.