We have a love / hate relationship with Walmart. You can't deny that they have some of the best prices on brand name items, but at the same time, they have some of the worst customer service around. So really it comes down to shopping there for items that we know where they are located, and we don't have questions about whether we want to buy something or not.
This particular Walmart is pretty much the same as most Walmart Superstores. Plenty of options, lots of stock of each option, clean and organized aisle ways, decent rollbacks and regular prices on most brand items and of course their own brand items, and overall you are almost always able to find something you did or didn't plan on buying before you leave.
On this particular visit we struck out on what we were looking for in Halloween decorations, but that's more so because we are looking for pretty specific things not just general decor - which they had about 3 aisles worth!
Overall: B-
All things being said it's still Walmart, and we still dread the beast of a store that they offer, but who can deny the cheap prices?