My first visit to The Goodwich in years, as well as their trendy new location a bit north of where they first made a name for themselves.
Nice to know certain things in Vegas never change:
The odds are always against you, the hookers always wear dresses at least 1-2 sizes too small, and The Goodwich makes the most ridiculously good sandwiches in the city.
Oh, how I've missed The Goodwich.
I've always ordered one sandwich for now and one for later because I cannot decide on just one of their menu items.
Today it was their crispy chicken sandwich and the PBB&J with chip bits.
Every bite of each was magnificent.
Anyone else think this is the most perfectly prepared sandwich too? Right down to the tight wax paper wrapped around it and The Goodwich tape/sticker to keep it that way?
Thanks to Paul for the conversation and the recommendations. I still claim dibs on franchise co-ownership in Tampa...let's make it happen, guys.