My fiance and I rented from this company for two years and it was the most unpleasant experience either of us have ever had.
They are absolutely horrible to deal with and will attempt to do several illegal actions that are clearly contradicted in the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (
I suggest that any tenant that is currently having issues with this company to thoroughly read the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act and stand your ground against their predatory practices.
Their predatory practices include:
- Attempting to have the tenant vacate the property prior to the lease's end date to accommodate their move out inspection
- Refusing to allow the tenant to be present for the move out inspection (Note: They will make you wait outside during the inspection. THIS IS ILLEGAL. You have the right to be present during the walk through.)
- Attempting to have you pay for professional cleaning of the rental property and provide a receipt just to be able to schedule and be present for a move out inspection. (Unless your lease says otherwise, you're not required to have the property professionally cleaned. Do not let them strong arm you on this one. You have the right to be present for the move out inspection. Being present does not mean waiting outside.)
Make sure to thoroughly document all of your communications with this company by only communicating via certified mail and take a screen shot of any communications had on their web portal.
My fiance and I were lucky and we were able to recoup a majority of our security deposit by standing up to the management staff and following the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.