| - There is a ton of potential here... Hopefully they will make improvements w time. We have lived In phoenix for almost 40 years, and have experienced all of the water parks. From the originals to the remodels, my husband and I have been to every park in the valley. The renovations on this one are beautiful, and there is an area for toddlers with real rides, which is great. Also, The new slides are very impressive. HOWEVER, this is the first time I've had to pay for parking at a water park... And at $8 a pop! That price is unreasonable for your average middle class family. We have bought summer passes to try and off set that, but it doesn't change the fact that the price is absurd. Another concern is that there is only one restroom on the side of the park where most of the rides and the wave pool are. To boot, it only has two stalls on the womens side. Today one of the toilets was broken. There was a line 5 people deep. I let a kid at the entrance know on the way out, and he didn't bother to contact anyone about it and looked like he could have cared less. There are restrooms at the front of the park, but when you've got a bunch off wet kids who need to go, that trek is unappealing at best, not possible if you have a little one who really needs to use the facilities. Perhaps they should consider investing some of those parking fees into installing usable toilets for their guests! In addition, There is a station in the kiddie side of the park that has not worked since the area was built. It contains a bunch if water guns, so naturally for the last two summers it is the first thing my son runs to.... and it has literally never worked. This park is the only one on this side of the valley. We have lived this way for almost a decade, and were using that location long before Village Roadshow bought it. It has come so far, but unfortunately, prices have skyrocketed along with the improvements. If the facility also had exceptional customer service and high functioning rides and facilities, it would easily off set the price for me. I haven't seen that yet. My hope is that they get it together over the course of this season so that I can make the investment again... or maybe it will be time to try something new next year!