| - I came to give this place a try following the string of positive reviews from Yelp. At the time, I thought the high $50 would be fine if the service was as good as people claimed.
TL;DR - It really wasn't, and was not worth it.
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I made an appointment for 2PM, having called about only 45 minutes prior. They were very accommodating and welcoming. Upon arrival, I was surprised to find the salon empty but thought nothing of it seeing as it was probably because it was a weekday.
We got started immediately and the girl that helped me out made sure to look after my thin nails when using the drill-bit (my nails are very very VERY thin.) before proceeding to put on the fake tips. No problems yet.
When it came time to put them under the light, the primer she used did not cause anything concerning, no heating or discomfort.
The gel? Oh that's where it went south. She piles on a thick layer and as soon as my hand goes under the UV light, I just feel it burning. ICYDD- Gel heats up as it cures, so thin layers would be minimal heating so you wouldn't notice it. Thick gel means more to cure so the heat lasts longer. It also means a higher change of lifting.
My fingers felt like they were burning. For every single one of my ten nails. A good nail tech would do thin coats multiple times to ensure they cure effectively. She did about 2-3 thick coats.
Proceeding onto the color, I noticed she asked if the color was okay, after all 10 were painted, cured, and finished. If it were another person, then asking after one nail is the usual procedure, so we still have time to change our minds. The good pro here is that they use Bio Seaweed Gel polishes (they used IBD gel, which is a file-off, not a soak-off)
Fast forward about .... 1.5 weeks, my index finger has lifted off completely, and others are starting to lift at the edges. Definitely not worth the $50 I spent (tbh- it was $62 after tax as I paid with debit.)