Its really hard to not like a place that resuces animals. I went with mom to get her a dog. I have three rescue animals at home, and she likes rescue over purchasing polly purebreed (underdog referrence). Ok so I tried the internet (petfinder) but no search for mutt, let al I had alone scruffy mutt! The apl website had a poodle mix, and terrier mix. I had a list of other stops.
Now I have had bad experience with adoption here, because of their steadfast who surrends animal still controls its destiny. So we are looking at some skin issues on poodle and 3 month old terrier mix. Mom is 71 and really doesnt need puppy. Well after a bonding room experience we left with puppy. The dog was rescued in parking lot a month earlier and ended up in suburbs
Bad part is the cost at $272 for adoption and dog tax tag. Under 5 months is listed at $195, but the dog is scruffy and what mom wants. The service of "saving" animals is great but if everyone can afford it its even better. I understand it includes neutering, shots, worming, vet fees, room/board, etc... The big question is why have a survey to match owner with dog and not review it with person adopting dog.