Any good review for either Dr. Francesca or Dr. Noel Chamian are friends and/or relatives! I gave her two chances! My husband didn't last! Never again! No eye contact, just typing in software she must have on their computer on where to send you for referral! I've been sent to 4 specialists, all ok! Being sent to a urologist specialist for a urinary tract infection after urine sample showed bacteria was the last straw! I had a little protein (blood) in my urine but told her it was a bad sample, just got off cycle. She ordered an ultra sound and was sending me to specialist and said they would probably want a cat scan? After thinking, I called and told her office I wanted to do another urine sample. Sample came back with no protein (blood) but a bit of bacteria , common with urinary tract infection! They called and said no ultrasound but still wanted me to go see specialist anyhow. I stood my ground and said, I'd like her to call in a med to get rid of infection and retake the test! Who's the doctor anyhow? I was then told I would have to come in for another $117 office visit for her to write prescription so she could tell me side affects? Really? I told them I could go in urgent care, have urine sample and be out the door with prescription for $60! BS... THEY ARE SCAMMERS.... Money to be made with referrals! Sent my husband for ear, nose, throat doctor for thyroid nodule! Wanted him to do painful biopsy. Got a second opinion and was told nodule to small to get biopsy , are common and just watch. DON'T GO TO THIS OFFICE !