| - I am on the board of directors for the homeowner's association where I live. Rossmar & Graham has been our management company for almost 2 years. In the 6 years that I have lived in this development we have had at least 5 different managers and 2 different management companies. Our current manager has by far been the best manager, but there is a whole lot of room for improvement.
Most of the Rossmar managers have multiple properties. It is very difficult for them to manage several properties effectively. Our property has a 100 units, and we are probably one of our manager's smallest properties. I feel like we get lost in the shuffle. I also feel like I personally have to be proactive and bug them to follow through on action items.
I work from home a lot and I can attest to the fact that the manager spends minimal time on the property. I recommend that if you choose Rossmar as your property management company that you have them guarantee in writing the number of hours per week that the manager will be on the property, and that you have them log it. We have asked for this a few times, and they are very resistant.
Rossmar is a large organization. When they presented their sales pitch to us they tried to play this up as a good thing. Their selling points were that the company had a call center that provided owners with immediate access to the management company, and that they had a system for tracking issues and action items.
From the feedback I have received from residents, I will have to say I am not impressed with the call center. Feedback consists of unhelpful agents, incorrect information given, and no follow through. Since I am on the board, I usually contact the manager directly, However, the few times that I did call the call center it took me at least 10 minutes to get through to an agent. When I did reach the agent they didn't really have any information that was helpful. They were essentially a message service.
As a board we have requested certain reports to help us make decisions. Sometimes they have acted quickly, but other times we have had to wait months to get the reports that we have requested. One of their upgrades was a service called Rossmar Connect. I have found that much of this online service is not in operation or they do not update the information in an accurate or timely manner. That being said, as a board member I can track the incoming calls to the call center. There are incidents in which a homeowner has called multiple times with no resolution to their requests or problems.
My biggest problem with the company is the lack of follow through on action items. An examples is that we have had a issue with minors jumping the fence to use our pool area. At least 5 months ago we were presented with a bid for security spikes for this area. We approved the bid, and we were promised that this security feature would be taken care of immediately. This has still not been taken care of. When we ask about this issue the manager doesn't have an answer. He tells us that he will check into the matter, and then we don't get an answer. This is a safety and security issue. When we approach the supervisors about these issues there are only excuses. So, it ends up with have to give them ultimatums or provide them with strict timelines to get the job done. Many times their reaction is that action items will need a 30 day period to be fulfilled. Some things can wait, but in the matters of safety and security that is not soon enough.
The main reason we continue to do business with them is that the price is right. Like most condo associations in Phoenix, we have had an issue with owners paying their association dues. Even though our association is doing well financially, we are in this position because we have been very fiscally conservative. Even though this reads as a negative review, Rossmar is so much better than the previous management company that we used. If you choose Rossmar (or any other management company) , just keep these things in mind:
1. Get things in writing and keep copious notes.
2. Know that you will have to be proactive in following through on action items, and reports.