Rating: 2.25 Stars. "Ehh." That's about all the energy I can muster for this place. If BluBurger is really all about burgers, then they've got work to do.
What I Liked: It's blue inside.
Room for Improvement: Although the quality of the food seemed decent, the flavor wasn't anything to brag about. The burgers were neither huge, nor robust with flavor, nor memorable in any way. And that should never be the case if the word "burger" is actually in the name of your establishment. No, I should have been walking out, picking my teeth, and reveling in the magnificence of the culinary bovine creation in which I just partook. Instead, I was underwhelmed.
Overall: I don't think I'll be back. Without putting too much thought into it, I can name a half-dozen places I'd rather get a burger than BluBurger. So, I just don't see the point.