The sushi was not good enough, to me, to make up for the table next to me. There was a large table of about 10 people, probably in their early to mid 20s, and they had been enjoying quite a few alcoholic beverages. Now I'll NEVER hate on anyone for that, but they were being stupid and annoying. One guy at the table threw his water glass into the aisle - twice. Broke two glasses. I kept waiting for the staff to kick him out. They cleaned up the glass and didn't say a word to this a$$. I was in shock that they didn't even speak to him about his behavior. Acting like a destructive child.
Ya know, I realize they're running a business, and they had a large table, but it's offensive to me that they didn't speak to him to protect their OTHER PAYING PATRONS. And this is why I'm not going back to stingray.
Plus - they have fishies in the floor. I'm concerned for the fishies' welfare. Remember when you a kid and your mom told you not to tap on the fish aquarium because the fish don't like it? I wonder how they like the tap dance that the foyer floor gets nightly :-(