OK, I am rating this based on the professional massage. Brianna is the gal! The massage I received is priceless. I've had knots in my shoulders for quite some time and my job promotes knotty back and shoulder muscles. Brianna did a full body massage & massaged the muscle around the knots. Oh man, I just can't speak highly enough about the massage she did. It is going to take some time to get all the knots out. I am opting to go every other week to let Brianna work her magic. $50.00 bucks for an hour. I can deal with that. It is body health.
I have also had a student massage. You have to keep in mind, "student". The massage felt good, well it was more of a relaxation thing.I did tell the student not to be afraid to apply more pressure. Maybe she didn't understand or maybe she didn't have the strength. She asked her instructor about the knots. He gladly came in to explain and show her what to do. The student was interested but did not apply the technique she was shown. Today, I opted for the a professional. I'm so glad I did!