| - I think it helps to do a little research online and get an idea of what this floatation tank stuff is all about instead of just walking in and jumping in head first. You are laying in a tank of Epson water, if you want to spend the entire hour focusing on the fact that you're in the dark, naked, lying in water, it's weird, and you're spending money on it, then you probably won't get much out of it. Google "isolation tanks" and "benefits of Epson salts". Also, check out a few YouTube videos, especially from Joe Rogan Like he says, "LET GO".
I go into the pod thinking "this is mind and body therapy" and letting my mind relax and wander. I take advantage of the oxygen bar before and after if possible. I also take a long hot shower before and after the float. It is good to clean off all of the body's oils and get real clean before going in and washing the Epson water off after, and hot showers just feel good! I also relax and slow down my thoughts, start taking deep slow Yoga type breaths before the float, and focus my thoughts on drifting off out of reality for a few.
John C. Lilly, a medical practitioner and neuro-psychiatrist, developed the flotation tank in 1954 use to take psychedelics like LSD and Ketamine before going in an isolation tank. I am not sure this is such a good idea to experiment with hard hallucinogens at a place of business / public place but an interesting idea.
Getting in the tank I feel like Mork from that 70's show Mork and Mindy when he comes to Earth in a big white egg (pod), HA! I have found that the first 10-15 minutes I am still a little distracted on the whole laying down in a pod experience. Then after 10-15 minutes I start to wander off and trip out a little about whatever is on my mind and sometimes have had dreams, but not sleeping, so I still remember everything when I leave. You know when your session is over when the water filtration kicks on like a waterfall / alarm clock. I have always left the spa feeling calm, relaxed, and de-stressed.
It is hard at first to be awake and not take in any audio, visual, and touch senses. The music may seem like a good idea but I like the idea of giving the senses a break from outside distractions, so I go without. I try to embrace the fact that I don't have to focus on those senses and let my thoughts run wild. Think about it, ever met a blind person and noticed that because of sight loss they have a very acute sense of hearing? Well what about loss of sight, hearing, and touch? The mind can relax and focus on other processes like inner thoughts, ideas, dreams, or if nothing else just take a break from the everyday sensory input.
It would be cool if True Rest had an unlimited monthly package for under $100 so I could go more. But, compared to buying my own tank, finding a place to store it, maintenance, buying 1,000 lbs. of Epson salts every 6 months, and running water and electricity to the pod all day then I guess the package prices aren't too bad.
The staff have always been kind and courteous. I usually bring my own towel to save a few bucks and my iPod / headphones to listen to some chill music while watching the fish tank at the oxygen bar before and after the float.
Float... float onnnnn
Float onnnnn, float onnnnn