Someone marched right up to me and said, Can I Help You? I ig-Nord them.
In actuality, nobody marched up to me. These flagship stores seem like ghost towns these days. Ghost towns with lots of merchandise that isn't being bought. Makes me wonder how long these Malls can last. Which is why Nordstrom is charging a fair bit for their items, which is why I would usually buy stuff on the internet. However, we needed an extra scarf, and she saw one she liked, so it was a done deal for around $20. Only twice as much as the scarves I love in Chinatown NYC, so not too awful.
Price mark-ups mean I can't give it more than 3, but it's a little sad that these flagship stores are all struggling, and this is one of the nicer ones I've been to. And pees all over Macy's, by the way.