Okay, we walked into this place by chance. It seemed loud and fun. However there was 8 people at the bar, every 5 minutes the bartender would scream that there was something new to celebrate, whether it was the couple next to us getting married ( "last shot the missus is gonna take and swallows"...oh god kill me) or the kid next to me is 21, or my husband is wearing a sparkly shirt. Okay I'm in here for less then 15 minutes and we are all ready taking a shot apiece me and two others. Multiply that by $7 you got $63. We just spent $63 in less than 15 minutes during "happy hour". I had to leave so my poor husband wouldn't keep dishing out loot, that's not counting tips! The girls were fun and just doing their jobs but its a scam. Seems fun the first 5 minutes but you will soon be scratching to get the fuck out.